Maximizing impact on cross-platform exclusivity and developing smaller games
Virtuos provides commentary on key trends identified in Newzoo's 2024 Global Games Market Report, and insights on navigating them to succeed in the ever-evolving gaming landscape.
Virtuos provides our commentary on two key trends identified in Newzoo’s 2024 Global Games Market Report. We explore these trends from a developer’s perspective and uncover how to navigate them to succeed in the ever-evolving gaming landscape.
Cross-platform is becoming the norm: Is exclusivity becoming a thing of the past? Find out how cross-platform releases can benefit games, and how developers can set themselves up for success when releasing across multiple platforms.
Shorter, focused games are gaining traction: Playtime has decreased by 26% from 2021 to 2024. Players now prioritize quality of experiences over length of games, and it can work in a developer’s favor. Find out what the successful shorter titles are doing right and how to set a title up for success.
Maximizing impact on cross-platform exclusivity and developing smaller games
Virtuos provides commentary on key trends identified in Newzoo's 2024 Global Games Market Report, and insights on navigating them to succeed in the ever-evolving gaming landscape.
Virtuos provides our commentary on two key trends identified in Newzoo’s 2024 Global Games Market Report. We explore these trends from a developer’s perspective and uncover how to navigate them to succeed in the ever-evolving gaming landscape.
2004年に設立されたVirtuosは、世界屈指の独立系ゲーム開発会社です。シンガポールに本社を置き、アジア、ヨーロッパ、北米の25拠点に4,200名を超える従業員を擁しています。Virtuosはフルサイクルのゲーム開発とアート制作に特化しており、これまで1,500本以上のコンソール、PC、モバイルゲームタイトルに高品質なコンテンツを提供してきました。Virtuosのクライアントには、世界のゲーム企業トップ25社のうち、23社が含まれています。詳細については、 をご覧ください。
一緒にゲームをより良くしましょう 一緒に。