Virtuos ホワイトペーパー 2024

リメイク&リマスターゲームの黄金時代 | Virtuos 白書

Virtuos' inaugural report presents the key factors in creating successful remakes and remasters. The dataset, collated in partnership with IDG Consulting and Strategic Game Consulting, features over 200 remakes and remasters alongside their sales figures since 2012.

Virtuos is pleased to present our inaugural report on the key factors in creating successful remakes and remasters. This dataset, collated in partnership with IDG Consulting and Strategic Game Consulting, features over 200 remakes and remasters alongside their sales figures since 2012.

2023 has been the year of remakes, remasters, and ports. Between March and June, they accounted for 9 of the 10 top-rated games and 3 of the top 10 game releases. What are the factors resulting in the remarkable success of these titles in a highly competitive market? To understand this, we explore the perspectives of both gamers and game developers in this study.

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In this report, find out:

  • How millennials are driving the resurgence of remakes and remasters
  • If there’s a best time to remake or remaster a game
  • The dos and don’ts of deviating from the original

Virtuos trusts that these insights will aid developers in crafting top-notch game renewals and seizing the opportunities presented by this prevailing trend in the video game industry.


一緒にゲームをより良くしましょう 一緒に。