Virtuos today announced a renewed contribution to the Women in Animation (WIA) Global Fund at the Partners Circle level. As a founding donor to the fund since 2019, the renewed contribution reaffirms our commitment to gender diversity and equality in the animation, games, and wider digital entertainment industry.

“We are happy to continue our support for the WIA Global Fund and 50/50 by 2025 initiative. Virtuos’ management committee currently comprises about 30% women, and they have significant positive impact on the company. We look forward to increasing the overall proportion of women at Virtuos as well,” said Gilles Langourieux, CEO of Virtuos.

“WIA is grateful for our continued partnership with Virtuos,” said Margaret Dean, President, Women in Animation. “The gaming space is rich with opportunities for women and other underrepresented gender identities to share their creative talents, and that realm of animation will be all the better for it when it has a more balanced presence in that capacity.”

Founded in 1995, WIA is an organization dedicated to advancing women in the field of animation. The WIA Global Fund was launched to expand programs and initiatives to achieve 50/50 gender parity in creative roles within the animation industry by 2025. As of 2020, WIA found that women held over 30% of creative roles – an increase of 50% since 2015 — but there is still more work to be done to inspire gender balance within the industry.

This announcement follows Virtuos’ continued investment in establishing ourselves as the primary choice for talent. By providing an equal opportunity work environment and the resources for continuous learning and development, we aim to make the digital entertainment industry more accessible for generations of diverse and bright talent. Coupled with a goal of growing the proportion of our female talent by 10% every year, we hope to inspire women at any stage of their lives to join Virtuos and pursue their interests in art, engineering, game design and other relevant fields.

About Women in Animation

Women in Animation (WIA) envisions a world in which women share fully in the creation, production and rewards of animation, resulting in richer and more diverse entertainment and media that move our culture forward. The mission of WIA is to bring together a global community of animation professionals to empower and support women in the art, science and business of animation by increasing access to resources, creating opportunities for education, encouraging strong connections between individuals, and inspiring excellence. For more information or to join WIA, please visit or follow on フェイスブック, ツイッター, リンクトイン or Instagram.