It is no secret that the video game industry has an environmental cost, with studies estimating that it produces a staggering 80 million tonnes of carbon emissions globally. Game developers are actively looking into greener practices and mitigating carbon footprints, and though it’s no easy feat, we’re not ones to shy away from a challenge here at 버추어스. While Earth Day is celebrated once a year, our commitment to the environment is all year round. Read on to find out what actions we’re collectively taking worldwide to minimize our impact on the environment.

Gaining a deeper understanding of our environment 

Being green doesn’t have to mean boring. We believe that environmental sustainability starts with personal responsibility, and we make it fun to do so! 

Rather than sitting through a three-hour talk, 15 of the leadership team from Sparx*- a Virtuos Studio and Glass Egg – a Virtuos Studio put their gaming skills to test during the Climate Fresk workshop. Through an engaging card game where participants take on various roles to solve climate issues, they gained a thorough understanding of the complexities and consequences of disruption in the climate system. 

Participants in gaming mode during the Climate Fresk workshop

In order to encourage Virtuosi to take ownership and increase studio engagement, Virtuos Chengdu held an environment logo design contest. Participants put their artistic talents to use and created their own logo designs. Three winners emerged from this competition: 

  • Ma Yuhong, Senior Artist 
  • Zhang Hui, Artist 
  • Tang Xiao, Receptionist 
Tang Xiao(left), Ma Yuhong (top right), and Zhang Hui (bottom right) with their designs

Adopting environmentally friendly practices 

To reduce overall energy consumption, our IT team has deployed an automatic switch-off function for all electronic devices across our China studios. After a reminder notification sent to all employees to switch off their devices after work, the system would then do another round of checks to shut down any devices left opened. Talk about how saving energy can be made easy with technology! 

Our machines equipped with smart switches in the Singapore office

While the solution continues to be tested and refined before widespread adoption across all our studios, Virtuos Singapore has implemented their own measures to reduce consumption. By using smart switches and motion light sensors, devices are timed for shut off when not in use. Virtuos Xi’an has also implemented the Schneider Electricity Monitoring System to track electricity consumption in the studio. This provides valuable insights on areas for improvement, allowing the team to take proactive steps towards reducing energy usage. 

To encourage sustainable living and reusing items, the Singapore office organized a month long “eco-swap” for Virtuosi to exchange pre-loved items. From electronic paraphernalia to books, kitchenware and clothes, it was a treasure trove for all. After the end of the event, uncollected items would be either recycled or donated to organizations.

Not only that, the office also came up with innovative memes to remind Virtuosi to adopt environmentally friendly practices. After all, who can say no to memes? 

Memes done up by the Singapore CSR committee

Speaking about reuse and recycle, 버추어스 Shanghai got creative with making easter eggs made from recycled materials. These handicrafts would also be sold during their charity bazaar later this year. 

Easter eggs made from leftover tufting yarn

To encourage less plastic usage from food takeout, Virtuosi in 버추어스 Xi’an whipped up a delicious feast of homemade dishes to share with their colleagues in the office. Talk about a win-win! 

Secret chefs in the Xi’an studio

While individual actions may seem small in protecting the environment, together they can create a big impact and lead to a more sustainable future. At 버추어스, we remain committed to minimizing our impact on the environment through achieving our goals of carbon neutrality annually and adopting 100% renewable energy sources to ensure sustainable growth. Have you done your part for the environment today?