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Shanghai – September 28, 2017 -At XDS 2017 Virtuos took part in two in-depth panels’ discussions about the future and best practices in the games external development industry.

In 2016, the games industry as a whole saw $28.4 billion in merger and acquisition activity; a new record up 77% from the previous record year in 2014. This included a number of acquisitions among service providers. The first discussion is about the current state of consolidation among service providers in the games industry. In this panel Virtuos CEO, Gilles Langourieux and  top executives from other studios address topics such as M&A activity to date, current trends, opportunities and risks to developers/publishers, and future predictions.

The second discussion is a joined talk between Dennis Cooper, Director of External Production at Telltale Games, and Jake Digennaro, Sr. Business Development Manager at Virtuos. Dennis and Jake address topics on how to set-up and solve upstream challenges from both sides of the aisle (developer / service provider) to establish a stable production pipeline.