19 teams from Virtuos Singapore and Virtuos Kuala Lumpur (KL) challenged the dreary weather by participating in a two-week cross-studio “Monsoon Movement: Walk/Bike/Run Challenge 2022.”
Other than encouraging cross-studio engagement and promoting the health benefits of regular exercise, we also pledged to match USD5 for every 1,000 points that were accumulated in the challenge. What’s more – at the end of the challenge, everyone gets to vote for the charity organizations or corporate social responsibility projects they would like to donate to.

Despite the gloomy weather, everyone participated actively in the challenge. From hiking trips to night cycling in groups over the weekends, we encouraged each other daily to keep up the good work.

Unable to resist gamifying the challenge, we also introduced a series of side quests for teams to earn extra points. They included submitting a photo of participants doing a yoga pose, planking for five minutes as a team, and sharing their ideas on reducing carbon footprint.

At the end of two weeks, we managed to clock a total of 3,443.65km – a total of USD9364.58 – accumulated across Singapore and KL. In the following weeks, we will be making a decision collectively as a studio on causes we would like to champion for and donate to.
We hope that the challenge has inspired more people to spend time outdoors and experience the benefits of active movement, rain or shine. We look forward to welcoming more participants in the challenge next year!