Virtuos North America and CounterPunch – A Virtuos Studio have been named as a winner of the inaugural US Best Places To Work Awards 2021. In addition to being among the highest-scoring small company recipients of the awards, we are a special award winner of the education category.

“On behalf of Virtuos and CounterPunch, thank you for the recognition of our efforts. It’s a very humbling award to receive. Virtuos has always placed an emphasis on education – whether through ongoing programs and mentorship initiatives, or university, trade school, fine art program relationships and partnerships,” said Jake DiGennaro, General Manager, Virtuos North America.

“Our goal continues to be to develop a culture where we provide the resources and means to our teams to allow them to grow personally and professionally. We recognize that not everyone learns the same way, so incorporating flexibility into our efforts and being open to new methodologies and ideas is a key component to ensuring that culture remains fresh and relevant . . . creating an environment where everyone is always learning and growing in some way.”

The Best Places To Work Awards is about making the games industry a better place to work, and winners are determined by an in-depth survey of participating companies’ employees. Topics covered in the survey include working environment, work/life balance, management, and diversity. All 11 US Best Places winners and 6 special award winners were announced during a 35-minute online event, which can be viewed in the recording below.

“We’re a very small group and we’re all very close. If there’s anything I struggle with, somebody always takes time out of their schedule to help out and I really appreciate it,” said Mike Sherak, Co-Development Success Manager, Virtuos North America.

“Everybody is excited to come to work, do their job, learn more from each other and contribute whatever it is that they have to share,” said Jessica Weiss, Animator, CounterPunch – A Virtuos Studio.

“And most importantly, actually, the company feels like it’s taking care of its employees,” said Richard Sun, Co-Development Success Manager, Virtuos North America.

On behalf of Virtuos and CounterPunch, we would also like to recognize and thank all of our industry peers and partners. We learn from you every day and appreciate your support of our efforts in many ways over the years. We will continue to keep at it and strive to live up to this acknowledgement.

The full winners announcement and details of the awards assessment can be read on