The fifth in a series of regular articles highlighting learnings and best practice from Virtuos’ global development, Art and VFX teams.
The fifth in a series of regular articles highlighting learnings and best practice from Virtuos’ global development, Art and VFX teams.
新加坡 – 2018年9月 – 艺夺-蒙特利尔™(Eidos-Montréal™)携手维塔士合作开发的3A级巨作《古墓丽影™:暗影》(Shadow of the Tomb Raider™)现已登陆全球各大平台,包括Xbox One X,PlayStation®4数字娱乐系统以及PC端steam®平台。《古墓丽影™:暗影》是《古墓丽影™》系列最新作品,该系列多年以来广受好评并屡获殊荣。
新加坡 – 2018年8月 – 由维塔士参与高清重置的《超维宇宙(Hyper Universe)》Xbox One版本于2018年8月正式运营,这是一款由著名游戏公司Nexon发行的多人在线战斗竞技场游戏(MOBA)。
The third in a series of regular articles highlighting learnings and best practice from Virtuos’ global development, Art and VFX teams.
新加坡 – 2018年8月 – Dontnod Entertainment的最新力作《吸血鬼》上市第一个月,就在各大平台上累计售出超过45万部,并在英、法、德等多个国家的游戏排行榜上独占鳌头。
中国上海 – 2018年2月 –维塔士十分自豪地宣布与Rockstar进行合作,完成《黑色洛城》的重制工作。升级版的《黑色洛城》现已登陆Switch, PS4,Xbox One等平台。《黑色洛城:VR行动 》也已于17年12月发售。
Shanghai, China – September 10th 2017 We at Virtuos are proud to have had the opportunity to participate in the development of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, providing a second life for the Playstation 2 classic on the Playstation 4 console.
Shanghai, China – July 4, 2017 – Virtuos is thrilled to announce that Spot it! Duel-A Dobble Game released globally on iOS and Android. Co-developed by Virtuos and Asmodee Digital Spot it! Duel brings the quick-paced, addictive symbol-matching fun of Asmodee’s record-selling tabletop card game, Dobble to mobile devices… For free!
Batman: Return to Arkham is the first Xbox One title for Virtuos’ co-development team and the third for PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system.
Shanghai, China – 24th March 2016 – Virtuos is proud to announce our first co-development project of 2016: Quantic Dream’s title Heavy Rain HD on PS4.
Virtuos fully remastered the 2010 PS3 version of Heavy Rain, providing a second life for the title on PS4. This process involved upgrading all visuals, taking the pipeline and engine from 32-bit to 64-bit, and adding PS4 exclusive features such as PLAYGO & Share.
This is our second co-developed PS4 title after Final Fantasy X & X-2 HD and another important milestone in Virtuos’ flourishing co-development track record.
Originally released on PlayStation 3 in February of 2010, Heavy Rain was an interactive drama action-adventure game developed by Quantic Dream. It has come to be known as a “film noir thriller”, featuring four diverse protagonists. Each are uniquely involved in the mystery of the Origami Killer, a serial killer who uses extended periods of rainfall to drown his victims.