
傳達Virtuos「我們一同使遊戲變得更好(we make games better, together)」的宗旨,奠定了我們的文化和存在理由,並提升我們內部和外部的工作方式。

Through closer partnerships with educational institutions, we hope to make the games industry more accessible and help foster new generations of young, diverse talent for Virtuos and the games industry at large.

4月7日,作为“绿色IT教室”项目的一部分,Sparx*工作室向胡志明市的John Bosco Can Gio庇护所捐赠了10台翻新的电脑,以帮助该机构照顾和培养当地60多名贫困儿童。

It’s no secret that Assistant Technical Directors like Qing enjoy a fun, fulfilling career in the games industry. But what if we told you that working on AAA projects can also enhance your quality of life in more ways than one?